
Bojana Midzovic (Faculty of Philosophy- Sociology) Lodz- Poland (2022)
“This year, I spent the summer semester on a student exchange in Lodz, Poland. I consider the exchange to be the best thing that happened to me. The Erasmus+ program gave me many friends who come from all over Europe, through whom I got to know their culture and traditions, which enabled me to broaden my horizons. This opportunity helped me to visit many cities and countries throughout Europe and thus provided me with unforgettable experiences. The organization at the University I attended was fantastic, and the dormitories were more than excellent. Travels, games, sports, music, dancing, parties were my daily routine. The Erasmus program helped me and provided me with a student scholarship that was more than enough to cover all my requirements. I wholeheartedly recommend the exchange to all students who want to progress.”
Milanka Radusinovic (Teacher Training Faculty) Maribor- Slovenia (2021/2022)
“Thanks to the various experiences of my friends, I decided to apply for the Erasmus + program, at the same time I was afraid of how I would manage with the paperwork and the whole process, there was also the fear of the unknown, which from this distance I can say it was absolutely unjustified. A thousand questions in my head (how to find accommodation, how to manage in a new city, how to arrange all the papers), but no answers. In the end, that was the least of my problems, no matter how stressful and scary it seemed at the beginning.
Life in another country, among people who come from different parts of the world, is really eye-opening.
I did my study exchange in Maribor, one of the most beautiful cities in Slovenia, which became one of the most beautiful cities for me personally, as I spent a very nice period of my student life there. An exceptional culture, a high level of hygiene in all public places, respect for the code of conduct and treatment of foreigners is noteworthy.
All the beautiful memories, acquaintances, all the beautiful and new places I had the opportunity to visit are unforgettable. Traveling, as well as living independently in another, better country for me, is priceless and I would do it again in a heartbeat. The exchange experience is wonderful. Believe me, you won’t miss anything at home for those 4-5 months, everything stays the same, and you have a lot to gain by leaving. Such programs are always an opportunity to meet new people, even from those countries that are hard to find on the globe. My Erasmus+ experience was, in one word, UNFORGETTABLE. The possibility of going on an Erasmus+ study is something that every student should take advantage of during their education.”

Jovana Zivic (Faculty of Technical Sciences) LUT- Poland (2020)
“I went on a student exchange in 2020. I am extremely grateful because I had the opportunity to gain that experience. I went to Poland, the city of Lublin. When I was officially accepted and all the administrative procedures were completed, the journey could begin. I got my guide, a girl from Lublin who met me late in the evening and drove me to the student dormitory where I was accommodated. In the dormitory, I could choose a room, but I agreed to the first one that was assigned to me. That’s where I meet my new friends. Soon I get to know all the students who came through the Erasmus+ program from various countries. With the help of the mentor assigned to us, Mrs. Julia Michalska, we quickly found our way and fit at the university. We received a project that we worked on with the help of professor Iwona Rybicka. People from the organization organized events, meetings, parties where we would all hang out. In our free time, we could tour the city. If we were lucky, we would have visited the surrounding countries, but the corona virus did not allow us to do that. Regardless, I am grateful that I had the opportunity to be there. It is good for knowledge, language, new people and much more. It was definitely a life-changing experience. It changed me as a person in every way, for the better. A wonderful experience that I would recommend to everyone.”