Description of activities and events, and their outcomes Status /

Due date

University Statute amended Achieved
Strategy on Cooperation between the University and the Alumni with the Action Plan of Implementation 2024-2029 adopted Achieved
Rulebook on the Organizational Framework of Cooperation between the University and Alumni with Communication Plan adopted Achieved
University Team for Implementation of the Strategy and the Coordination of Cooperation between the University and Alumni appointed Achieved
University Advisory Committee for Cooperation with Diaspora Alumni, Foreign Alumni and International Alumni Organizations appointed Achieved
Electronic platform (software) cooperation between the University and alumni, with the alumni database, launched Achieved
Alumni webpage at the University website launched Achieved
Developed logo of the Alumni Association Achieved
Responsible Persons of the Cooperation with Alumni at the Faculties within the University appointed Achieved
Created logos of alumni clubs of the faculties within the University Achieved
Event to promote Strategy and the electronic platform for connecting with alumni organised Achieved
Alumni clubs at the faculties within the University founded Achieved
Rulebooks on the work of alumni clubs brought Achieved
1st Open Day of the University Alumni organised 31.12.2024.
The Alumni Association of the University founded; The founding assembly of the Association organized 31.12.2024.
Statute of the Alumni Association brought Achieved.
The Day of University Alumni established Achieved
Plan of Cooperation between Alumni Association and Career Development Centre brought Achieved
1st issue of Alumni Association’s e-magazine published 31.08.2024.
Products promoting Alumni Association produced 30.09.2024.
7-day summer school for the development of critical personal and soft skills organised 30.09.2024.
1st Annual Conference “Alumni and University Together for Science” organised Achieved
Preparatory actions for the inclusion of alumni in the processes of preparation and defence of graduation theses completed 30.09.2024.
Involvement of alumni in the preparation and defence of graduation theses at bachelor, master and specialist studies started 01.10.2024.
7-day workshop for the development of non-technical soft skills of students organised 31.10.2024.
Alumni Association has at least 5 members from diaspora and at least 3 international members 31.12.2024.
One-day motivational seminar with the participation of prominent alumni organised 31.12.2024.
One-day thematic event on students’ career development organised 31.12.2024.
Preparatory actions for the inclusion of alumni into active teaching completed 31.12.2024.
Preparatory actions for the inclusion of alumni into students’ professional practice organisation completed 31.12.2024.
Active teaching with the support of alumni initiated 15.02.2025.
Students’ professional practice with the support from alumni initiated 15.02.2025.
2nd issue of Alumni Association’s e-magazine published 28.02.2025.
1st revision of the Action Plan for Implementation of the Strategy on Cooperation between the University and the Alumni carried out 28.02.2025.
One-day students’ training to master skills for presentation to the employers organised, and alumni trainers engaged 31.03.2025.
2nd Open Day of the University Alumni organised Day of Alumni 2025.
One-day fair of scholarships and practices organised 30.06.2025.
One-day fair of seasonal / summer jobs for students organised 30.06.2025.
3rd issue of Alumni Association’s e-magazine published 31.08.2025.
2nd Annual Conference “Alumni and University Together for Science” organised 30.09.2025.
Competition for the best startup and business ideas of University students launched 01.10.2025.
Alumni Association has at least 10 members from diaspora and at least 6 international members 31.12.2025.
At least 1 scholarship (provided by external organizations where alumni are employed) awarded to PhD students at the University 31.12.2025.
One-day motivational seminar with the participation of prominent alumni organised 31.12.2025.
The fair of entrepreneurship and startup students’ ideas organised 31.01.2026.
One-day workshop for beginners in business organised 31.01.2026.
Analysis of the achieved success of the first phase of involving alumni in active teaching, professional practice and the preparation of graduation theses, and the beginning of the second phase 31.01.2026.
3rd Open Day of the University Alumni organised 15.02.2026.
4th issue of Alumni Association’s e-magazine published 28.02.2026.
2nd revision of the Action Plan for Implementation of the Strategy on Cooperation between the University and the Alumni carried out 28.02.2026.
Promotional products of the Alumni Association distributed to representatives of at least 30 external organizations 28.02.2026.
5th issue of Alumni Association’s e-magazine published 31.08.2026.
3rd Annual Conference “Alumni and University Together for Science” organised 30.09.2026.
One-day workshop to develop non-technical soft skills of students organised 31.10.2026.
Alumni Association has at least 15 members from diaspora and at least 9 international members 31.12.2026.
One-day motivational seminar with the participation of prominent alumni organised 31.12.2026.
One-day thematic event on students’ career development organised 31.12.2026.
6th issue of Alumni Association’s e-magazine published 28.02.2027.
3rd revision of the Action Plan for Implementation of the Strategy on Cooperation between the University and the Alumni carried out 28.02.2027.
One-day students’ training to master skills for presentation to the employers organised, and alumni trainers engaged 31.03.2027.
4th Open Day of the University Alumni organised Day of Alumni 2027.
One-day fair of scholarships and practices organised 30.06.2027.
One-day fair of seasonal / summer jobs for students organised 30.06.2027.
7th issue of Alumni Association’s e-magazine published 31.08.2027.
4th Annual Conference “Alumni and University Together for Science” organised 30.09.2027.
Competition for the best startup and business ideas of University students launched 01.10.2027.
Alumni Association has at least 20 members from diaspora and at least 12 international members 31.12.2027.
At least 2 scholarships (provided by external organizations where alumni are employed) awarded to PhD students at the University 31.12.2027.
One-day motivational seminar with the participation of prominent alumni organised 31.12.2027.
Fair of entrepreneurship and startup students’ ideas organised 31.01.2028.
One-day workshop for beginners in business organised 31.01.2028.
8th issue of Alumni Association’s e-magazine published 29.02.2028.
4th revision of the Action Plan for Implementation of the Strategy on Cooperation between the University and the Alumni carried out 29.02.2028.
5th Open Day of the University Alumni organised Day of Alumni 2028.
9th issue of Alumni Association’s e-magazine published 31.08.2028.
5th Annual Conference “Alumni and University Together for Science” organised 30.09.2028.
One-day workshop to develop non-technical soft skills of students organised 31.10.2028.
Alumni Association has at least 25 members from diaspora and at least 15 international members 31.12.2028.
One-day motivational seminar with the participation of prominent alumni organised 31.12.2028.
One-day thematic event on students’ career development organised 31.12.2028.
10th issue of Alumni Association’s e-magazine published 28.02.2029.
At least 1 agreement on cooperation with diaspora alumni associations and at least 1 agreement on cooperation with international alumni organizations signed 28.02.2029.
Analysis of the success achieved in the field of alumni involvement in educational process at the University during the five-year period of implementation of the Strategy on University and Alumni Cooperation 28.02.2029.
Analysis of the success achieved in the field of alumni involvement in scientific research work at the University during the five-year period of implementation of the Strategy on University and Alumni Cooperation 28.02.2029.
Analysis of the success achieved in the field of alumni’s contribution to scholarships for scientific research work at the University during the five-year period of implementation of the Strategy on Cooperation between the University and Alumni 28.02.2029.
Analysis of the success achieved in the field of alumni involvement in the career development of University students during the five-year period of implementation of the Strategy on University and Alumni Cooperation 28.02.2029.
Analysis of the success of connecting and promoting cooperation between the University and alumni 28.02.2029.
New Action Plan for Implementation of the Strategy on Cooperation between the University and Alumni for Period 2029-2034, adopted 28.02.2029.
About alumni association
Platform for networking and cooperation
registration and access to the platform
Alumni Activities and Events
Alumni Stories
Normative framework
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Education and Culture Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.