Roundtable with Alumni 07/12/2024
An Evening with Alumni of the Faculty of Teacher Education 12/11/2024
Exhibition of works by architecture students at the “Sveti Sava” Cultural Center in Štrpce 30/10/2024
Art Exhibition ,,Faculty of Arts Alumni” 03/26/2024
Promotion of Strategy and the electronic platform for connecting with alumni 03/26/2024
1st Annual Conference “Alumni and University Together for Science” 04/16/2024
Description of activities and events, and their outcomes | Status /
Due date |
University Statute amended | Achieved |
Strategy on Cooperation between the University and the Alumni with the Action Plan of Implementation 2024-2029 adopted | Achieved |
Rulebook on the Organizational Framework of Cooperation between the University and Alumni with Communication Plan adopted | Achieved |
University Team for Implementation of the Strategy and the Coordination of Cooperation between the University and Alumni appointed | Achieved |
University Advisory Committee for Cooperation with Diaspora Alumni, Foreign Alumni and International Alumni Organizations appointed | Achieved |
Electronic platform (software) cooperation between the University and alumni, with the alumni database, launched | Achieved |
Alumni webpage at the University website launched | Achieved |
Developed logo of the Alumni Association | Achieved |
Responsible Persons of the Cooperation with Alumni at the Faculties within the University appointed | Achieved |
Created logos of alumni clubs of the faculties within the University | Achieved |
Event to promote Strategy and the electronic platform for connecting with alumni organised | Achieved |
Alumni clubs at the faculties within the University founded | Achieved |
Rulebooks on the work of alumni clubs brought | Achieved |
1st Open Day of the University Alumni organised | 31.12.2024. |
The Alumni Association of the University founded; The founding assembly of the Association organized | 31.12.2024. |
Statute of the Alumni Association brought | Achieved. |
The Day of University Alumni established | Achieved |
Plan of Cooperation between Alumni Association and Career Development Centre brought | Achieved |
1st issue of Alumni Association’s e-magazine published | Achieved |
Products promoting Alumni Association produced | 30.09.2024. |
7-day summer school for the development of critical personal and soft skills organised | 30.09.2024. |
1st Annual Conference “Alumni and University Together for Science” organised | Achieved |
Preparatory actions for the inclusion of alumni in the processes of preparation and defence of graduation theses completed | 30.09.2024. |
Involvement of alumni in the preparation and defence of graduation theses at bachelor, master and specialist studies started | 01.10.2024. |
7-day workshop for the development of non-technical soft skills of students organised | 31.10.2024. |
Alumni Association has at least 5 members from diaspora and at least 3 international members | 31.12.2024. |
One-day motivational seminar with the participation of prominent alumni organised | 31.12.2024. |
One-day thematic event on students’ career development organised | 31.12.2024. |
Preparatory actions for the inclusion of alumni into active teaching completed | 31.12.2024. |
Preparatory actions for the inclusion of alumni into students’ professional practice organisation completed | 31.12.2024. |
Active teaching with the support of alumni initiated | 15.02.2025. |
Students’ professional practice with the support from alumni initiated | 15.02.2025. |
2nd issue of Alumni Association’s e-magazine published | 28.02.2025. |
1st revision of the Action Plan for Implementation of the Strategy on Cooperation between the University and the Alumni carried out | 28.02.2025. |
One-day students’ training to master skills for presentation to the employers organised, and alumni trainers engaged | 31.03.2025. |
2nd Open Day of the University Alumni organised | Day of Alumni 2025. |
One-day fair of scholarships and practices organised | 30.06.2025. |
One-day fair of seasonal / summer jobs for students organised | 30.06.2025. |
3rd issue of Alumni Association’s e-magazine published | 31.08.2025. |
2nd Annual Conference “Alumni and University Together for Science” organised | 30.09.2025. |
Competition for the best startup and business ideas of University students launched | 01.10.2025. |
Alumni Association has at least 10 members from diaspora and at least 6 international members | 31.12.2025. |
At least 1 scholarship (provided by external organizations where alumni are employed) awarded to PhD students at the University | 31.12.2025. |
One-day motivational seminar with the participation of prominent alumni organised | 31.12.2025. |
The fair of entrepreneurship and startup students’ ideas organised | 31.01.2026. |
One-day workshop for beginners in business organised | 31.01.2026. |
Analysis of the achieved success of the first phase of involving alumni in active teaching, professional practice and the preparation of graduation theses, and the beginning of the second phase | 31.01.2026. |
3rd Open Day of the University Alumni organised | 15.02.2026. |
4th issue of Alumni Association’s e-magazine published | 28.02.2026. |
2nd revision of the Action Plan for Implementation of the Strategy on Cooperation between the University and the Alumni carried out | 28.02.2026. |
Promotional products of the Alumni Association distributed to representatives of at least 30 external organizations | 28.02.2026. |
5th issue of Alumni Association’s e-magazine published | 31.08.2026. |
3rd Annual Conference “Alumni and University Together for Science” organised | 30.09.2026. |
One-day workshop to develop non-technical soft skills of students organised | 31.10.2026. |
Alumni Association has at least 15 members from diaspora and at least 9 international members | 31.12.2026. |
One-day motivational seminar with the participation of prominent alumni organised | 31.12.2026. |
One-day thematic event on students’ career development organised | 31.12.2026. |
6th issue of Alumni Association’s e-magazine published | 28.02.2027. |
3rd revision of the Action Plan for Implementation of the Strategy on Cooperation between the University and the Alumni carried out | 28.02.2027. |
One-day students’ training to master skills for presentation to the employers organised, and alumni trainers engaged | 31.03.2027. |
4th Open Day of the University Alumni organised | Day of Alumni 2027. |
One-day fair of scholarships and practices organised | 30.06.2027. |
One-day fair of seasonal / summer jobs for students organised | 30.06.2027. |
7th issue of Alumni Association’s e-magazine published | 31.08.2027. |
4th Annual Conference “Alumni and University Together for Science” organised | 30.09.2027. |
Competition for the best startup and business ideas of University students launched | 01.10.2027. |
Alumni Association has at least 20 members from diaspora and at least 12 international members | 31.12.2027. |
At least 2 scholarships (provided by external organizations where alumni are employed) awarded to PhD students at the University | 31.12.2027. |
One-day motivational seminar with the participation of prominent alumni organised | 31.12.2027. |
Fair of entrepreneurship and startup students’ ideas organised | 31.01.2028. |
One-day workshop for beginners in business organised | 31.01.2028. |
8th issue of Alumni Association’s e-magazine published | 29.02.2028. |
4th revision of the Action Plan for Implementation of the Strategy on Cooperation between the University and the Alumni carried out | 29.02.2028. |
5th Open Day of the University Alumni organised | Day of Alumni 2028. |
9th issue of Alumni Association’s e-magazine published | 31.08.2028. |
5th Annual Conference “Alumni and University Together for Science” organised | 30.09.2028. |
One-day workshop to develop non-technical soft skills of students organised | 31.10.2028. |
Alumni Association has at least 25 members from diaspora and at least 15 international members | 31.12.2028. |
One-day motivational seminar with the participation of prominent alumni organised | 31.12.2028. |
One-day thematic event on students’ career development organised | 31.12.2028. |
10th issue of Alumni Association’s e-magazine published | 28.02.2029. |
At least 1 agreement on cooperation with diaspora alumni associations and at least 1 agreement on cooperation with international alumni organizations signed | 28.02.2029. |
Analysis of the success achieved in the field of alumni involvement in educational process at the University during the five-year period of implementation of the Strategy on University and Alumni Cooperation | 28.02.2029. |
Analysis of the success achieved in the field of alumni involvement in scientific research work at the University during the five-year period of implementation of the Strategy on University and Alumni Cooperation | 28.02.2029. |
Analysis of the success achieved in the field of alumni’s contribution to scholarships for scientific research work at the University during the five-year period of implementation of the Strategy on Cooperation between the University and Alumni | 28.02.2029. |
Analysis of the success achieved in the field of alumni involvement in the career development of University students during the five-year period of implementation of the Strategy on University and Alumni Cooperation | 28.02.2029. |
Analysis of the success of connecting and promoting cooperation between the University and alumni | 28.02.2029. |
New Action Plan for Implementation of the Strategy on Cooperation between the University and Alumni for Period 2029-2034, adopted | 28.02.2029. |