The University and alumni jointly organize and promote various activities in the fields of education, scientific research, and career development. The University has provided a reliable and secure electronic platform through which alumni, students and staff of the University can directly connect and cooperate continuously.
The use the platform, all groups of users – alumni, students, and the University employees – need to register. Registration is simple and free of charge for all groups of users. During registration, users will indicate which group they belong to and enter basic information about their education and employment, and the platform administrators will then verify the account.
After successful registration, users can exploit without limit the possibilities offered by the platform:
- They can connect with colleagues and with other groups of users, and browse the directory of platform users;
- All users can receive and send direct messages to other users on the platform;
- Students can search, and alumni can publish job vacancies from the organizations where they are employed;
- Alumni can publish vacancies for professional practice in their organizations, and students and employees can follow or search for vacancies;
- Alumni can offer mentoring consultations in the field of their professional work, and students can announce the need for mentoring consultations;
- Alumni can also use the platform to advertise the organizations they work in to introduce students to the business environment and encourage them to apply for a job;
- Students, alumni, and employees of the University can open professional topics and participate in forums and discussions;
- All users of the platform can follow alumni news and events that have taken place or are planned, and follow the calendar of alumni activities and events.
Alumni of the University of Priština in Kosovska Mitrovica registered on the platform are automatically members of the University Alumni Association, i.e. members of alumni clubs at the faculties within the University where they previously completed their studies.